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Industrial Fans and Blowers

Cincinnati Fans

The OEM and Industrial Air Handling Specialists | Providing superior customer satisfaction for over 50 years.

Portable Fume Exhausters: Portable Blowers

Cincinnati Fan manufacturers eight sizes of “Portable Fume Exhauster-Blowers”. Five “EBR” models are standard with spark resistant, self-cleaning, cast aluminum, radial wheels and steel blower housings. Three “EBM” models have multi-vane, forward curve wheels and

Centrifugal Blowers & Fans

Centrifugal Fans and Blowers typically have one of six types of wheels that draw the air into the inlet of the blower housing, through the wheel, and discharges it at 90 degrees out through the discharge of the housing.

Axial Fans (Axial Blower)

Axial Flow Fans or Industrial Axial Fans use a propeller to draw the air into the fan and discharge it in the same axial direction. The most common types of Industrial Axial Fans are: Tube Axial Fans (or Duct Fans), Panel Fans (or Wall Fans), Personnel Coolers and Air Circulators.

Custom Fans & Blowers

Custom builds, no problem. We can design and build to meet any required specification.  If you have special requirements that cannot be met with standard fans or blowers, please contact us.

Portable Dust Collectors

Cincinnati Fan manufacturers seven sizes of Dust-Master Portable Dust Collectors.  All are standard with spark resistant, self-cleaning, cast aluminum, radial wheels and Totally Enclosed motors.  The 2 Stage filtration design provides much higher filtration efficiencies than single stage collectors.